在forum 中看到有人討論萬寧的TVC,其中一段comment 頗有意思:
「萬寧妹妹 is very cute but the TVC itself is not good. It's projecting a 5 year-old-kid fantasy about love(!) and being extremely rude to others... and her mom is not controlling her at all. The biggest problem is that the message is not related to the store. The guy may work in any store and this story can apply to any shops, ie.Watson's. In advertising standard, this TVC is very weak. 」(from 齋講)
的確萬寧妹妹這廣告可以套落於其他品牌,要創造多個Watson妹妹也可以,以致於好像未能給予萬寧這個品牌清晰的定位。不過記得上Pulic Relation 課時,老師教了我們一句:Perception is Reality. 這個廣告是一個好例子,我覺得這廣告的重點不是在於"communicating the message"(雖然都重要),而是在於"brand building" or "creating positive perception in audience mind". 毫無疑問,這廣告給大部份觀眾一個很好的preception。
另外TVC 到最後有V/O說:「萬寧有心,緊係你既No.1最愛啦!」可以relate返小妹妹的fantasy of love,所以message 方面也算是consistence and clear.
至於小妹妹「搶野」(齋講人兄好厲害,這個也留意到= ="),我相信拍這廣告時也考慮到這問題,所以「搶劫」片段只是一閃而過(應該半秒左右),純粹帶出小朋友簡單直接的想法,不過正如齋講人兄所說,始終也是不當行為(小朋友搶劫),可以避免的話就避免吧。我覺得小妹妹走到情敵面前扮鬼臉抗議已經足夠了,又可愛。總結而言,廣告世界也是:perception is reality.
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